Infusion Ventures President David Pliner supports NKH Crusaders in their effort to raise $50,000 from its 7th fundraiser to be held Oct. 4, 2019 at the Tirrell Room in Quincy, MA.
NKH Crusaders support research at the University of Colorado and Notre Dame. NKH Crusaders was started by the Archibald family when their son Thomas was diagnosed with this rare disease. NKH affects less than 500 children in the world and until NKH Crusaders was formed, there had been no research or funding for research. NKH stands for Non Ketonic Hyperglycinemia. NKH Crusaders was formed 9 years ago with the hope to raise $10,000 to establish research at the University of Colorado. Since then, over $300,000 has been raised for NKH research. There are now 3 doctors working on NKH research– one at the University of Colorado and one at Notre Dame plus one in the UK where there is a large population of NKH families.
Please consider a donation to keep research moving forward!
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Source: Faces of NKH for NKH research | DonationMatch