To the Infusion Ventures Community,
Infusion Ventures remains steadfast in our commitment during the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and we are committed to being responsive to your infusion nursing needs.
At this time, we continue to infuse our patients using all of the precautions and mandates set forth by the CDC. Infusion Ventures strives to keep our patients on their prescribed regimens, many of whom are immunocompromised, and we remain your trusted source for infusion nursing care. Our dedicated and highly professional infusion nurses are working with patients on a daily basis for their infusion needs.
Remember that our nursing staff is always available 24/7 to answer any IV questions and to provide clinical support when needed to your patients and staff.
We take great pride in continuing our mission to bring you the very best care now and in the days to come.
It is times like this that show our true colors…
The Infusion Ventures Team
Infusion Ventures, Inc.