Infusion Ventures is proud to share Brianna’s request for support for this very important event.
Dear Friends and Family,
I’m participating in my local Unite for Bleeding Disorders walk again this year on June 8, 2019. I’ve committed to raising awareness and funds to help the National Hemophilia Foundation and my local chapter provide urgently-needed research and support for families with bleeding disorders.
I’m happy to say that 100% of every dollar raised stays in my community. These funds educate medical providers on the latest innovations and care, ensure families have access to quality healthcare and provide access to the best educational resources available.
It’s amazing to know my fundraising has such an incredible impact on those so close to me. I have participated in this event for the past few years, and it is great to see how each dollar makes such a difference in the lives of my patients.
Will you help me reach my fundraising goal?
It’s easy — just click on the secure Support Me button to make a tax-deductible donation.
You’ll make a real difference in so many lives!
Thank you in advance,
Brianna O’Neil
P.S. Please help spread the word. Forward this email to your friends and colleagues, and ask your social media friends and followers for their support as well.
Thousands of kids and adults face internal bleeding, costly treatments and lifelong infusions. Ending bleeding disorders will take all of us. Join me in the Unite for Bleeding Disorders walk and provide research, support, and programs for families in our community.
Source: National Hemophilia Foundation